The Life in Your Garden: Gardening for Biodiversity

51Hpj6n1T-L._SX398_BO1,204,203,200_The Life in Your Garden

This world is filled with so many different and incredible species. Human beings are only one of them . Many of us enjoy having gardens. Why not make them hospitable to other life as well? Horticulturalist and Master Gardeners, Reeser Manly and Marjorie Peronto give us a taste of their wisdom in their new book “The Life in Your Garden: Gardening for Biodiversity”. This book available from Tilbury House Publishing shows how to turn your landscape into a garden suitable for humans and our other earthly friends alike…more

Prepper’s Dehydrator Handbook Long-term Food Storage Techniques for Nutritious, Delicious, Lifesaving Meals

9781612437866_FCPrepper’s Dehydrator Handbook

I love gardening. There is nothing like the flavor of home grown produce. The only issue I find with gardening is what to do with all the extra food you are blessed with. I see several options. Eat it all–impossible, Give it away – You can only give away so much, can it, freeze it or my favorite way—dehydrate it…more

Planting for Honeybees

OPlanting for Honeybees

Honeybees are almost as vital to the survival of the planet as air and water. There are a whole lot of foods that we eat that simply cannot survive without being pollinated. Bees are the simplest way to get the job done. Unless you want to go feather pollinate every…more

Grow Food Anywhere

OGrow Food Anywhere

When we moved from the ranch I grew up on I knew there would be some big changes to my world. One of these was going from an acre garden that was deer and rabbit fenced to a yard in the city. I knew I would still garden. I just had to figure out how…more

Desert Gardens of Steve Martino

9781580934916Desert Gardens of Steve Martino

Growing up among cactus and mesquite trees I know what it is like to try to keep a garden happy under the hot summer sun. The air is so hot and dry, the winds feel like an oven fan. The desert garden answer is what we call Xeriscaping. No one does this better than…more

The Herbal

yhst-137970348157658_2502_1378096471The Herbal or General History of Plants: The Complete 1633 Edition as Revised and Enlarged by Thomas Johnson

Written in 17th century English, there is a bit of  difference in the typestyle. That takes a couple of minutes to get used to. Once your brain gets ahold to it your mind will be…more