Auromere Ayurvedic Toothpaste : Get A Sample Today

Auromere Ayurvedic Toothpasteimg-toothpaste_category_photo

So, y’all already know I prefer natural ways of doing things. I like to eat foods that are not filled with chemicals. I also prefer health and beauty aids that do not have a lot of nonsense in their ingredient lists. This goes for my choice of toothpaste too. Today I want to let y’all in on a little secret. Toothpaste does…more

The Pizzarette 6 Person with True Cooking Stone

FoodFun_stoneThe Pizzarette 6 Person with True Cooking Stone

I really love home made pizza. There is something truly wonderful about being able make your pizza exactly how you want it. The minute that I found out I was going to review The Pizzarette 6 Person with True Cooking Stone I was super happy. This device is so cool y’all. Basically it is like having your own pizzeria at home. Complete with…more

Ship of Treasures

ShipofTreasures_Left-260x192Ship of Treasures

I am really into having out of the ordinary games. Don’t get me wrong, I still like the classics. But I love trying out new games. I love it when my daughters friends come over and they get so excited about trying out a fun new….more